The Art of giving - A FREE portrait Event

So much to do, so little time to do it all in, I can feel all my prayer request support flowing in ... got on the ole e-mail machine and some calls to my family and I'm feeling better already. I also scratch off some major things off of my to do list today. Lillian and I were putting out a few Christmas lights ... when I made an not so pretty comment about the state of our gutters ... inside we went to warm up a bit. When we were all surprised by a knock at the door and there stood our old gutter guy ... asking if we needed our gutters cleaned. The International Help-Portrait Event is Saturday, and I just can't wait for em to see how beautiful they are! I'm so excited, I got some FREE Ursobeautiful2me T-Shirts to give away and this photo lab is donating (25cents) 5X7 prints just for this event. I also have about 12-5X7 frames (that were donated to the studio last year) I'm gonna surprise some of my subjects with.  Amazed N HIS grace. SonyaLa ... What about U?


best all time